University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor
Characterization Lab for Irradiated Materials
University of Wisconsin Ion Beam Lab
Max Carbon Radiation Science Center:
The Max Carbon Radiation Science Center promotes research and development of materials important to nuclear energy systems by providing neutron, proton, and heavy ion irradiations at the Nuclear Reactor Lab (UWNR) and the Ion Beam Lab (IBL). The post irradiation radiological material handling and examination facilities at the Characterization Laboratory for Irradiated Materials (CLIM) provide the tools necessary to support this important R&D work and to train future generations in the proper testing of radioactive materials.
The UWNR, a 1 MW-thermal nuclear reactor, is licensed to operate into 2031 having received a 20 year license renewal in March 2011. The Reactor is used to teach nuclear engineering classes and also provides irradiation services and other support for various research projects.
The Ion Beam Laboratory (IBL) at the University of Wisconsin, Madison houses a NEC 1.7 MV tandem accelerator. The accelerator is actively used for research aimed at advancing the science of radiation damage of materials including alloys, ceramics, and coatings. The accelerator is equipped with TORVIS and SNICS ion sources for enhanced capabilities and the samples temperature is monitored by thermocouples and IR camera. The system can presently accommodate two types of sample geometries: 3 mm TEM samples and bar samples; with irradiation area between 1.45 and 2.3 sq. cm. the facility is continually improved to meet the research needs of the scientific community involved in research on radiation damage of materials and other fundamental materials science research areas involving ion irradiation.
The CLIM provides specialized sample preparation and characterization facilities for post-irradiation examination of irradiated radioactive materials and uranium fuels. The laboratory is equipped with negative-pressure boxes, fume hoods, and polishing equipment for sample preparation, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) for examination of radioactively hot samples.
NSUF Partnership:
Pairing the best minds with the needed capability.
The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) offers unparalleled research opportunities for nuclear energy researchers. Users are provided access (at no cost to the researcher) to world-class nuclear research facilities, technical expertise from experienced scientists and engineers, and assistance with experiment design, assembly, safety analysis and examination.
Learn more about how to partner with the facilities at the Max Carbon Radiation Science Center through the NSUF program at:
Who is Max Carbon?
Max Carbon is a Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he chaired the Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics department and its predecessor program from 1958 to 1992. After graduation with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 1949, he worked for the General Electric Company at the Hanford Works and for the Avco Manufacturing Corporation before joining the University. He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, and has previously served on the federal Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, as chair of the University of Chicago Special Advisory Committee for the Integral Fast Reactor, on the National Nuclear Accrediting Board of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, on the Nuclear Safety Review and Audit Committee for the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant, and Committee for the Nuclear Technology Program at Argonne National Laboratory.